Triple Fast Action

Photo by Marci Rogal

What separated TRIPLE FAST ACTION from the pack of alterna-clones was their polished yet unrestrained songwriting. Their trademark searing rock highs and delicate, textured lows created mesmerizing tempos that rise and fall much like a rollercoaster...never ending without bringing in the noise. This startling dynamic combined with their savvy guitar-play and Wes Kidd's charred, expressive vocals gave the band its thoughtful, electric personality. And on command, Wes' soft and soulful voice has the impressive ability to turn into a well-oiled, screaming rage machine. Triple Fast Action achieved the improbable: finding the place where punk velocity, radio-ready hooks, indie spirit and arena rock glory crossed paths… even stopped to shake hands.

TRIPLE FAST ACTION formed in January 1993, played their first show at Chicago's Cubby Bear and, in 1998, played their final show at Chicago’s Metro. The band quickly earned a great deal of notoriety among Windy City tastemakers for their extraordinary musicianship and graceful yet raw performances and was one of many Chicago area acts signed to Capitol Records during the multi-year label frenzy that also snatched up bands like the SMASHING PUMPKINS, SMOKING POPES, VERUCA SALT, HUM.

released April 21, 2023


Fig Dish


Sara Jean Stevens